
How we think...

How to upskill SMEs to create effective and engaging elearning content

Paper people on a light background with a light shining behind them and shadows falling to the front

Posted: 17 October 2024 by: Rob Hubbard

The Fosway Group Digital Realities 2024 report revealed that 69% of L&D teams plan to resource projects by upskilling Subject Matter Experts. Here are Rob's top tips for helping your SMEs create great elearning content.



Back to School 2024: 10 free learning resources for L&D professionals

Paper people on a light background with a light shining behind them and shadows falling to the front

Posted: 4 September 2024 by: Tess Robinson

Although it's been a billion years since I was at school, I still get that back-to-school feeling each September. It's about this time of year that I start thinking about learning some new skills or building on ones I already have. Here's my top 10 free learning resources for L&D professionals.



Why travel broadens the mind and improves your capacity to Learn

Paper people on a light background with a light shining behind them and shadows falling to the front

Posted: 4 September 2024 by: Tess Robinson

We're coming to the end of the school summer holidays in the UK. Many of us have been lucky enough to go away for a week or two. Wherever you've holidayed, travelling and getting out of our everyday situation has unexpected added benefits for our brains.



5 reasons why human-centred learning works

Paper people on a light background with a light shining behind them and shadows falling to the front

Posted: 4 July 2024 by: Rob Hubbard

At LAS, human-centred design has always been at the core of what we do both in terms of digital learning experience design and development and consultancy. In this article, Rob explores the ‘why’ of human-centred learning and sets out five reasons why it’s not a nice-to-have, but crucial to the success of learning projects.  



10 Essential Skills for sustainability

Hand holding a lightbulb with a graphic of a leaf inside

Posted: 23 May 2024 by: Tess Robinson

For many years, LAS Director, Tess Robinson, has been a huge advocate for sustainable business practices and the powerful and important role that Learning & Development can play in helping organisations to become more sustainable. But exactly what skills do we need to be developing within our organisations? Here are her thoughts.



Sketch of the session by Rachel Burnham

L&D's green awakening: tackling the sustainability elephant at #LT24UK

Posted: 23 May 2024 by: Rob Hubbard

LAS CEO, Rob Hubbard, recently chaired an interactive session on L&D and sustainability at London's huge Learning Technologies conference. Here's what they uncovered.



Book cover

This way forward - what being a B Corp means to LAS

Posted: 21 March 2024 by: Tess Robinson

March is always B Corp Month, it’s a chance for all us B Corp’s to collectively reflect on what being part of this movement means to us and how we can go the extra mile in living it out in our businesses.



Book cover

The art of ‘looking’ and how it can improve your learning design

Posted: 29 January 2024 by: Tess Robinson

In this fast-paced world, even more so with gen-AI speeding everything up, are we forgetting the importance of stopping and looking, and in the process, making our learning interventions much less effective? Tess takes inspiration from a recent read...



Findings from our Future Skills Development session

CSW67 image

Posted: 7 November 2023 by: LAS

The need for 'SKILLS!' may grab the headlines but arguably more important are personal attributes like resilience, flexibility and mindset.



CSW67 image

Learning through a Gender Lens: Reflections on CSW67

Posted: 3 April 2023 by: Tess Robinson

Join Tess Robinson as she talks us through a recent great privilege she had last month, as she was selected to be a UN Women UK delegate to the 67th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67), the gender equality equivalent of COP.



Making your L&D team awesome on a budget

Awesome team in work

Posted: 9 January 2023 by: Tess Robinson

Finding yourself with less budget for learning this year and even more to do? These are tricky times. The ongoing socio-economic turmoil doesn’t look likely to end very soon, so it may be a while before budgets are on the up. However, by taking a step back, focussing on your L&D team’s skills and making sure that they are really well equipped to provide a modern learning offer, you can ensure that your learning is still excellent and effective, even on a tight budget.



5 ways to achieve learning impact on a limited budget

women at desk

Posted: 9 January 2023 by: Tess Robinson

Those of us in learning have been clear for many years that learning is vital to organisational survival. With working from home here to stay, it’s more necessary than ever to include digital learning in the learning equation. Unfortunately, the demands of Covid, followed by war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and economic upheaval have often meant some serious belt-tightening in organisations. If you’re not already set up for digital or blended learning, how do you make this change on a limited budget?



How to increase learner engagement on a budget

Looking down to desk

Posted: 9 January 2023 by: Rob Hubbard

Rob Hubbard talks about the best ways to make learning more engaging on a budget, and some of the approaches that we find consistently work.



Is it possible to learn sustainability values?

Plant coming out of keyboard

Posted: 5 December 2022 by: Tess Robinson

Watching the coverage from COP27 last month, you could be forgiven for feeling a little frustrated at the slow progress the politicians seem to be making. There’s no doubt that reaching consensus on how to deal with climate change and its effects is difficult. However, every step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.

As learning and behaviour change specialists within those organisations, or working with them, we in L&D have a pivotal role to play.



5 Reasons to Get Back into Learning #Back2School

back to school backpack

Posted: 21 September 2022 by: Tess Robinson

Although it’s been a few (a lot) of years since I went to school, I still get that ‘back to school’ feeling in September. After a bit of a break over the summer, I always feel refreshed and raring to go in the autumn. What better way to inspire and energise myself than by learning something new?



How to learn about the hard stuff - 5 ways to support climate change learning

Supportive worker

Posted: 18 July 2022 by: Tess Robinson

Climate change is a really difficult thing to get your head around. As a topic it’s ever shifting and evolving and there’s a lot of complex science, concepts and interconnections in there. However, what makes it particularly hard to contemplate is its existential nature..

Here we explore how learners are affected by extrinsic factors and how L&D can support them when learning about difficult topics.



How L&D could save the world

How green is digital learning

Posted: 17 May 2022 by: Tess Robinson

We all know that climate change is starting to have a grim effect on our planet. There is a rapidly narrowing window of opportunity to enable us to reduce the impact of climate change and organisations have a key role to play. Over 5,000 companies and almost 500 financial institutions have signed up to the UN's Race to Zero, pledging to halve emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050.

L&D have an important opportunity, as behaviour change experts, to support, what in some organisations, will be a massive cultural and operational change. Is L&D up to the challenge? Let's find out....



How green is digital learning

How green is digital learning

Posted: 14 March 2022 by: Tess Robinson

As part of B Corp month Tess Robinson takes a deeper delve into digital learning and its impact on the planet. With no real studies having taken place since 2008 , Tess looks at what's out there to help us understand the carbon footprint of digital

Technology and its infrastructure have developed massively in the past decade and a half and the pandemic has accelerated its use further. It’s a very different landscape now to 2008. Is elearning still as environmentally advantageous?



The top 5 things you can do today to make your learning future-ready

digitalisation image

Posted: 24 January 2022 by: Tess Robinson

In our first LAS Insights ‘episode’ we sought to define L&D's part in helping the world recover from and live with Covid long-term. To do this, we investigated five ‘megatrends’ that impact work and learning - climate change, digitisation, population growth, life expectancy and urbanisation. Megatrends are global social, economic, technological or political trends that can only be disrupted by a large-scale global event - a meteor strike, nuclear war, earthquake or pandemic for example.



What fungal networks can teach us about learning in a hybrid world

fungi in the woods

Posted: 24 September 2021 by: Tess Robinson

I watched a great programme on Netflix recently called. I never knew mushrooms could be so fascinating! I was particularly struck by mycelial networks – a mass of branching, thread-like structures underground everywhere. Fungi use these networks to connect trees and plants within an ecosystem and the trees use these to communicate with each other and share nutrients. If you’re a or Avatar fan, you may have come across this before - but this is real life, not sci-fi – utterly mind boggling!



L&D’s role in fighting climate change

no planet B

Posted: 24 September 2021 Rob Hubbard

Last month the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of scientists endorsed by the world’s governments, delivered their latest report. It makes grim reading. In brief:



10 lessons from Design Thinking – A refresher


Posted: 13 August 2021 by: Tess Robinson

We have been using Design Thinking, or rather our version of it, for many years now. It works! You can use it to design literally anything -products, services, environments, and, importantly, digital experiences. With increased interest in digital learning, it’s worth revisiting how a Design Thinking approach can add value to learning design. In this Blog we share our top 10 takeaways from Design Thinking methodology



What I learnt from climbing 2 ¾ mountains!

Louise on her trek

Posted: 13 August 2021 by: Louise Cox

The 3 peaks challenge is something that I have wanted to do for many years, and in 2021 I had the opportunity to give it a go. I didn't quite make all three peaks, but I learnt so much along the way that I didn't see myself as having failed the challenge, but I had gained some valuable insights.



6 ways that sketchbooking can improve your learning design creativity


Posted: 18 June 2021 by: Tess Robinson
I recently took an online course on the Art of the Sketchbook, although intended for artists, it struck me that there were actually a lot of parallels with learning design. There are lessons to be learnt from artistic sketchbooking that can really help when coming up with creative learning design solutions:



Evolutionary psychology – the missing link

Evolutionary Psychology - the Missing Link

Posted: 18 June 2021 by: Rob Hubbard
Being human-centred in learning design is not just about understanding all you can about the specific audience you’re designing for; you should also seek to understand humans as best you can in general. An area that we find very enlightening is that of evolutionary



Becoming a B Corp

Becoming  a B Corp

Posted: 14 May 2021 by: Tess Robinson
We have always firmly believed that business should not just be focussed solely on profit. Having a positive impact on people, communities and planet should be equally as important. Our strong ethical stance has seen us turn down some (very) lucrative contracts over the years with organisations that, after careful research, we didn’t feel made a net positive contribution.



Colours blending

A New Definition of Blended Learning

Posted: 26 March 2021 by: Tess Robinson
Last year, I had the enormous privilege of being a judge for the Learning Technologies Awards. I was asked to be on the Panel for theBlended Learning category, one that we’d won the Gold Award for the previous year. I loved hearing everyone’s stories and seeing some really great examples of blended learning.



How much does elearning cost?

cost of learning

Posted: 26 March 2021 by: Tess Robinson
With the increase in remote working, elearning has never been more popular or essential. If you’re new to it though, it can be difficult to work out how much budget you should allocate for digital learning.



Pandemic positives: The transformation of L&D

Rainbow of hope

Posted: 12 February 2021 by: Tess Robinson
This past year has been truly terrible for so many reasons.There aren’t really words to express the grief that we all feel at the mounting death toll and the loss of our freedoms and previous way of life. It seems like‘ getting back to normal’ will still be a very long way off, if normal even exists anymore.



Love of Learning?

Love to Learn

Posted: 12 February 2021 by: Martyn Stevenson-Read
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, it seems only appropriate that we take a moment to talk about love.
And in particular - Our love of learning.  



Lessons in Learning from Running in a Pandemic

Runner getting ready

Posted: 15 January 2021 by: Tess Robinson
Three years ago I ran my first half marathon with a bunch of my school friends, to raise money for a friend who had been diagnosed withMotor Neurone Disease. I was definitely not a runner when I started, so the journey from 0 to 13 miles was an interesting and very challenging one



Putting the Human Back into Learning

How to achieve learning impact on a limited budget

Posted: 15 January 2021 by: Rob Hubbard
One thing I have appreciated about lockdown is that many of our work calls have now dropped their previously formality. ‘Heads of this’ and‘Directors of that’ are now frequently joined on calls by their kids or pets. Now that previous barriers are down, you get a real insight into people’s lives –we’ve all become a bit more human to each other. It’s interesting to see this trend reflected in learning too.



How to achieve learning impact on a limited budget

How to achieve learning impact on a limited budget

Posted: 20 November 2020 by: Tess Robinson
It now almost goes without saying that learning is vital to organisational survival. 2020 has made it abundantly clear that organisations need to be agile enough to continue operating when faced with



explorations into VR

Explorations into VR

Posted: 20 November 2020 by: Rob Hubbard
With the mass transitionto working from home; ‘Zoom fatigue’ is now a ‘thing' and the longer we arephysically apart the more we yearn for human contact. Even when the Covid-19vaccines are available; travel will remain greatly reduced and in-person contactless frequent for both health and climate reasons..



5 things to start doing TODAY to build a learning culture in your organisation

Learning Culture

Posted: 16 October 2020 by: Tess Robinson
Culture in organisations is complex. Most theories on organisational culture agree that is it a long-term endeavour, built over time as a result of a number of influences, Learning culture is often thought to evolve in a similar way i.e. a slow burn over a
number of years.



Digital Learning Transformation

15 years in - what’s next?

Posted: 16 October 2020 by: Rob Hubbard
I write this in the week of LAS’ 15th birthday. It feels like a long time ago that I first set up as a freelancer, having chosen redundancy rather than the loss of much of what I loved about my previous job (creative freedom and my team). It was a risk; we were planning to start a family and had recently bought a house -another full-time permanent position would have been the safer move, But I'm comfortable taking calculated risks and wanted to spend more time with my soon-to-bw new child, so freelancing it was.


frustrated man working

4 ways to increase learner engagement on a budget

Posted: July 2020 by: Rob Hubbard
I often get asked;  
"How can we increase user engagement in this boring /necessary / mandatory piece of learning content?”


piecing together the issue

5 ways to convince your stakeholders to buy-in to digital learning

Posted: 11 September 2020 by: Tess Robinson
Covid has shown us that digital transformation can be done at incredible speed. At the start of the year, who’d have thought it possible for whole organisations to now be working remotely and be doing it effectively?READ MORE...


Lockdown garden

Lessons from a lockdown garden

Posted: 11 September 2020 by: Abi Fairholm
The Coronavirus has taught us some invaluable life lessons, how much we have, how little we need, and how much human contact means to us.
We all found happiness in the simpler things, such as actually spending quality time with our families, taking a bike ride, or baking some homemade treats.


Human Centered Virtual working

Human Centered Virtual working

Posted: July 2020 by: Rob Hubbard
LAS are a High Performance Team, and have been for 15 years. We have a human centred approach to all our projects, and we apply the same ethos and ways of working within our successful team.



5 ways to build your organisation’s culture with a remote workforce

Posted: July 2020 by: Tess Robinson
It’s increasing looking like remote working is set to continue for the foreseeable. This swift and necessary adaptation to the working environment brings with it challenges around organisational culture but also opportunities to strengthen culture and maybe even change it for the better.


5 Top Tips for developing a growth mindset

Chess board

Posted: July 2020 by: Tess Robinson
Turbulence, change and uncertainty are all just part of everyday life at the moment. It feels like one thing after another is being sent to challenge us. Change can be difficult – who hasn’t had their head in their hands at some point over the last three months – but it can also be an opportunity. As we move into a post-lockdown world, it’s time to start thinking differently.


Weathering the storm


Posted: 5 June 2020 by: Rob Hubbard
I grew up sailing; first setting foot (or more likely crawling) on board at the tender age of one and able to sail by the time I was strong enough to steer. Sailing has taught me a lot about self-reliance, planning and adaptability. It’s ripe with metaphors that apply to life in general and business in particular; we plot our own courses in life, we largely choose our own shipmates, we helm (steer) our own vessel and are subject to a changing environment of currents, wind and waves



6 reasons why developing a growth mindset is essential to corporate learning

ladder to the sky

Posted: 5 June 2020 by: Tess Robinson
I’ve noticed more and more that people are starting to talk about growth mindset in relation to work and learning. For people with school-aged kids this probably isn’t an entirely new concept. The power of ‘not yet’ has been used in schools for a while now. It’s a relatively recent addition to the corporate vernacular though.



RAPID Next Generation Blended Learning

blurred road

Posted: 24 April 2020 by: Rob Hubbard
Given the impacts of Coronavirus many organisations need to rapidly move away from face-to-face
classroom delivery of training courses and find ways to deliver training remotely. In the rush to get
something in place fast there is a risk that a poor learning experience is produced that simply doesn’t
deliver what the organisation needs.



The importance of social learning for remote workers

Girl working

Posted: 24 April 2020 by: Tess Robinson
10 years ago I became a home-worker with a remote team. It was a huge change for me. My previous job had been in a big, open-plan office surrounded by hundreds of people. My job was very sociable and interactive, I looked after 150k alumni for a university, putting on events, networking, mentoring, communications and working with every department in the place. Going from that to sitting at home on my own was frankly a bit of a shock. It’s a situation that an awful lot of people will be finding themselves in at the moment.



Why learning is vital in uncertain times 2020

Girl working

Posted: 3 April 2020 by: Tess Robinson
I first wrote this article in 2016 in response to the shock result of the UKs referendum on whether to stay in the EU. Although that produced political and economic turmoil on an unprecedented scale, it’s really nothing compared to the current situation we find ourselves in with Covid-19. It feels a bit like we’ve been trapped inside Hollywood movie. It surely can’t be real that the whole world is locked down?! It felt like it was time to update this article as the VUCA acronym (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) has never felt more apt.



Five ways Next Generation Blended Learning Can Help When it’s all VUCA-ed Up

Girl working

Posted: 13 March 2020 by: Tess Robinson

Well this isn’t an article I expected to be writing. It feels a bit surreal at the moment with countries in lock-down, deserted streets, empty shelves and people wearing masks. Last week we ran a F2F workshop on blended learning in London and lost a third of the attendees to travel bans and emergency covid-19 contingency planning. If only it was a blended programme – oh, the irony! Technology saved us though, as our guest speaker, who was unable to join us in person, presented to the room via Zoom.



Girl working

The Trouble with Blended Learning

Posted: 13 March 2020 by: Rob Hubbard

Blended learning has been around for as long as learning has - we have always learnt using a variety of methods. But then came technology and many were seduced by the convenience and relative ease of producing elearning modules. eLearning vendors did very nicely thank you, essentially building the same learning experience - the traditional e-learning module - regardless of the audience or project objective. But this didn’t connect with learners. The trouble was, this approach removed one of the most important ingredients of a learning experience - human contact. As a social species we yearn to connect to other humans. Learners became disengaged and we’re still managing the fallout from this 20 years later.



Learning at the frontier

Girl working

Posted: January 2020 by: Rob Hubbard

In December 2019 it was my great privilege to work with the European Astronaut Centre. This is where all astronauts heading to the International Space Station (ISS) get trained before heading up into orbit, a process that takes around two years. I was working with the trainers to help them make better use of digital learning in their work. These are VERY bright people; scientists and astro-physicists many of whom are ground support staff for the ISS too. When people say something isn't rocket science, in this case it was. Now my background is engineering and I've been a life-long 'hard' sci-fi geek (hard sci-fi isn't Star Wars; it uses fiction to explore physics, philosophy and ethics), so this was basically my ideal gig : ) 



Becoming blended: A Case Study

Girl working

Posted: December 2019 by: Tess Robinson

When the pace of change is moving at breakneck speed, budgets are being cut and people are increasingly dispersed, it’s no longer an option just to carry on as normal. Changing times need a new approach to learning.  

When you mention digital learning, classroom trainers can get very nervous. They naturally see it as a threat to their position. Who doesn’t fear being automated out of a job in this brave new world we find ourselves in? The introduction of digital is often met with resistance for this very reason. But what if digital learning could make their jobs more varied and interesting, more effective and give them new opportunities and skills? Wouldn’t those be great reasons for them to get onboard?



5 easy ways to put learning into practice

Girl working

Posted: November 2019 by: Tess Robinson

In a previous life I worked for a university.They were huge fans of the three day face-to-face workshop. They were always very intense and lecture-like and we always got given a big A4 binder of information to take away to demonstrate what a lot we had learned. I can’t deny that I loved time away from the office, especially the free lunch, but I also admit that the minute I got back to my desk, that folder was tucked away in a drawer never to be seen again. I very rarely applied what I had learned to my everyday work, despite my best intentions.



How Play Can Keep Humans Relevant 

team fun in the office

Posted: September 2019 by: Tess Robinson

For quite a few years now we’ve been talking about how work is evolving. How a new technological age is coming and with it, automation and digital transformation that will render a lot of the jobs we do redundant. Well, that age is coming up fast and we’re woefully underprepared. It’s time to start thinking with some urgency about the type of work that humans are better suited to than machines and how we can develop the skills needed to do that work.



two lightbulbs

Turning the supertanker - how large companies can innovate 

Posted: August 2019 by: Rob Hubbard

It has been our great privilege to work with some of the largest companies in the world on some of their toughest challenges and greatest opportunities. I thought I perceived a linear inverse relationship between their size and ability to innovate; it appeared to me that the bigger the company the less agile and innovative it was able to be. Internal structures became overly complicated, the levels of process and red tape grew exponentially


two lightbulbs

Confessions of a home-based worker

Posted: August 2019 by: Louise Cox

In 2005, I had my daughter Alice, and I took 8 months’ maternity leave. On my return to work I found the balance between work and family hard to juggle: the daily rush of dropping her off at nursery, the stress of getting to work on time and then the stress of getting back to pick her up. Not to mention the guilt of both leaving my colleagues to work late and being the last to pick Alice up. Even the place where I worked treated me differently. I was once someone, people took me seriously, I had a job to do – an important job – I contributed and I felt valued. But, when I returned, I was seen as a ‘mum’ and, even though I had a job to do, it was no longer an important one. In 2008 I took the bold decision to leave and work from home as a Learning Consultant. In 2009, I met Rob Hubbard who, like me, wanted to work in a way that fitted with family life and so I started work as a Project Manager for LAS



two lightbulbs

Learning - Whats in it for me?

Posted: 5 July 2019 by: Tess Robinson

We talk a lot about why learning is important for organisations. How it helps them to become agile, to leverage opportunity, to get the best out of their people in terms of productivity, motivation and satisfaction. But what of the individual? What’s in it for me? Why is it important for me to continue to learn?



Which is better – a map or a compass?

two lightbulbs

Posted: 5 July 2019 by: Rob Hubbard

When you need to get somewhere / achieve an outcome – which is more useful; a map or a compass? 

A map is great when the terrain you need to move through is fixed, or at least not subject to much change. You can see where you are, where you need to get to and what to expect along the way. Sure, there will be obstacles, but you can see what they are well in advance, prepare for them and be ready when you reach them. If you were setting out on such an expedition you would pack only what you need, because you’d have a pretty good idea from the map of what to expect.



two lightbulbs

Change = the New Normal

Posted: 24 May 2019 by: Rob Hubbard

We’ve spent nearly 15 years working with large organisations across sectors as diverse as oil and gas, pharma, higher education, healthcare, telecoms, facilities, media, retail and more. Change used to be a lot slower and more predictable; typically driven by mergers, acquisitions and changes in the operating environment. A new competitor might emerge over the course of a few years, or new legislation might be brought in over a period of time. 

But that has changed.



The ingredients of innovation; process, people, culture, courage

two lightbulbs

Posted: 12 April 2019 by: Rob Hubbard

We’re going to look at the main ingredients that make a supportive environment in which innovation in learning can flourish: These are Process, People, Culture and Courage – or

P2C2 = Innovation

We’ll also look at some of the attitudes and behaviours that kill innovation dead and how sometimes we can see the words and actions of senior people at odds with our ambitions to be more innovative


Innovation Insights LT19UK

two lightbulbs

Posted: March 2019 by: Rob Hubbard

It was to be a first of a kind for Learning Technologies UK. The brief was to run a highly interactive workshop-style session at the London conference. New venue, new format, unknown wifi speed - what could possibly go wrong? When asked if we could run such a session, we leapt at the chance! We do a lot of work in digital learning innovation and so applied part of our innovation process to a topic everyone would be familiar with, and that in many cases can be done better Induction..



Lessons from the dinosaurs – innovate or die

two lightbulbs

Posted: December 2018 by: Rob Hubbard

Looking up as she breakfasted on treetop leaves, the slow gaze of the diplodocus fell upon what looked like a second, larger sun in the clear blue sky. She watched it growing larger and a slow, puzzled thought began to form in her mind. She saw the meteor strike several miles away and shockwaves blossom outwards. She had only moments to appreciate the ironic beauty of it before being vaporised in the heat wave.



Agile L&D – A new model? 5 questions to ask

two lightbulbs

Posted: 26 October 2018 by: Tess Robinson

We hear alot about how volatile the world is these days. Technology, politics, climate change are all disrupting the way that we live and do business. This challenging environment means that organisations have to be able to adapt and change quickly, to innovate and iterate, to learn new skills at pace – if they don’t, they will struggle to stay afloat in these turbulent times. So why is this need for agility so often not reflected in the way organisations deliver learning?



The digital transformation of life and why learning needs to catch up

two lightbulbs

Posted: 14 September 2018 by: Tess Robinson

What was the first thing you did this morning? For me, it was being woke up by an alarm that I’d set via Alexa. I told her to snooze whilst I caught up on the news on the BBC app. My Google calendar reminded me that my youngest had swimming. I arranged lifts for the kids to their after-school clubs on Whatsapp, did 10 minutes of Duolingo (learning useful Spanish phrases such as ‘my turkey eats pineapples’) and had a quick check of my emails – all before I’d even got out of bed.



How digital has transformed my night out

two lightbulbs

Posted: 22 June 2018 by: Tess Robinson

When I was a teenager, arranging a night out involved sitting on the stairs, with the phone line stretched around the bannister, ringing around my friends and arranging where to meet up. I’d then have to rely on them, even the flaky ones, to turn up when and where they were meant to. If it was somewhere new that we were going, I’d have to check where it was on a paper A-Z map. I paid for my drinks with cash and could be as silly as I liked because the only record of the evening would be in our memories.



Digital transformation - The high street shut down & technological advances

two lightbulbs

Posted: 22 June 2018 by: Georgina Wilding

It’s difficult to go a day without hearing a mention of the high street and the changes we’re seeing there, be it reading statistics such as The Guardian’s recent ‘6,000 shops close in 2017; toughest year for UK high street’, or BBC News explaining ‘nearly 650 shops and restaurants have either shut or are at risk of closure since the start of 2018.’ It’s therefore easy to see why this feels like a problem, and to many people it is; but what are organisations learning from the closure of so many stores, and what does this have to do with digital transformation?



Digital transformation - don't lose your user focus

two lightbulbs

Posted: 11 May 2018 by: Ed Hickman

Digital transformation offers exciting possibilities for organisations. Identifying and successfully embedding new technologies can result in a significant market advantage over competitors. For example, riding a wave of innovation in an untapped area opens huge consumer revenues



Digital transformation - assessing new technologies with a level head

two lightbulbs

Posted: 11 May 2018 by: Rob Hubbard

Look at the business environment five, maybe ten years ago; as much change as we perceived then, when you compare it to today, life seemed pretty stable. The pace of change now feels relentless. Increasingly we see organisations that are decades-old falter and stumble



Can you learn how to adapt to change?

two lightbulbs

Posted: 16 April 2018 by: Tess Robinson

Steven Hawking once (allegedly) said: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”.Whereas being intelligent may mean you’re more likely to have the skill to identify gaps between where you are and where you need to be, I disagree that it’s a fundamental requirement to the ability to adapt. 



Plastic, not so fantastic: What Blue Planet 2 can teach us about behaviour change

two lightbulbs

Posted: 16 April 2018 by: Tess Robinson

A few months ago a programme called Blue Planet 2 aired on the BBC. Beautifully filmed, it introduced us to a myriad of weird and wonderful sea creatures and their world. Our family snuggled down together every Sunday to watch the series, filled with awe at what an amazing planet with live on. Incredible to think that all that life is down there, hidden from us humans.


Room to fail in Digital Transformation

two lightbulbs

Posted: 2 March 2018 by: Georgina Wilding

The digital transformation I’d like to see in 2018 is one allocating more online space for people to fail. Fail miserably. Score below average on all their assessments, cause havoc in health and safety simulations, and select every wrong answer in their scenarios.



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Back to School 2024: 10 Free Learning Resources for L&D Professionals

September 2024

5 Reasons why Human-centred learning works

July 2024

10 Essential Skills for Sustainability

May 2024

L&D's Green Awakening: Tackling the Sustainability elephant at #LT24UK

May 2024

This way forward - what being a B Corp Means to LAS

March 2024

The art of ‘looking’ and how it can improve your learning design

January 2024

Findings from our Future Skills Development session

November 2023

Learning through a gender lens: Reflection on cSW67

April 2023

Making your L&D team awesome on a budget

January 2023

5 ways to achieve learning impact on a limited budget

January 2023

How to increase learner engagement on a budget

January 2023

5 Reasons to Get Back into Learning #Back2School

September 2022

How to learn about the hard stuff - 5 ways to support climate change learning

July 2022

How L&D could save the world

May 2022

How green is digital learning

March 2022

The Top 5 things you can do today to make your learning future-ready

January 2022

What fungal networks can teach us about learning in a hybrid world

September 2021

10 Lessons from design thinking - a refresher

August 2021

What I learnt from climbing 2 ¾ mountains!

August 2021

6 ways that sketchbooking can improve your learning design creativity

June 2021

Evolutionary psychology – the missing link

June 2021

Becoming a B Corp

May 2021

A New Definition of Blended Learning

March 2021

How much does elearning cost?

March 2021

Pandemic Positives: The Transformation of L&D

February 2021

Love of Learning?

February 2021

Lessons in Learning from running in a pandemic

January 2021

putting the human back into learning

January 2021

How to achieve learning impact on a limited budget

November 2020

Explorations into VR

November 2020

5 Things To start doing TODAY to build a learning culture in your organisation

October 2020

15 Years In - Whats Next?

October 2020

4 ways to increase learner engagement on a budget

September 2020

5 ways to convince your stakeholders to buy-in to digital learning

September 2020

Lessons from a lockdown garden

September 2020

Human Centered Virtual working

July 2020

5 ways to build your organisation’s culture with a remote workforce

July 2020

5 Top Tips for developing a growth mindset

July 2020

Weathering the storm

June 2020

6 Reasons why developing a growth mindset is essential to corporate learning

June 2020

Rapid Next Generation Blended Learning

April 2020

The importance of social Learning for remote workers

April 2020

Why learning Is Vital in uncertain times

April 2020

Five Ways Next Generation blended Learning can help when it's all VUCAed up

March 2020

The Trouble with Blended Learning

March 2020

learning at the frontier - Working with the ESA

January 2020

Becoming blended - A case study

Dec 2019

5 Easy Ways to put learning into practice

Nov 2019

How play can keep humans relevant

Sept 2019

Turning The supertanker - how large Companies can innovate

July 2019

Learning - whats in it for me?

July 2019

which is better - a map or a compass?

July 2019

Change = The New Normal

May 2019

The ingredients of innovation; process, people, culture, courage

April 2019

Innovation Insights LT19UK

March 2019

Lessons from the dinosaurs – innovate or die

December 2018

14 September 2018

How Digital Has transformed my night out

22 June 2018

Digital Transformation - The High Street Shut Down & Technological Advances

22 June 2018

Digital Transformation - Don't Lose Your User Focus

11 May 2018

Digital Transformation - Assessing New Technologies With A Level Head

11 May 2018

Can you learn how to adapt to change?

16 April 2018

Plastic not so fantastic: what blue planet can teach us about behaviour change

16 April 2018

Room to fail in digital transformation

2 March 2018

Transforming the benchmark

2 March 2018

Paralysed By Choice - Why Curation is Important

30 January 2018

Next Generation Blend: A Case Study

30 January 2018

Is Learning the key to success in an uncertain world?

8 December 2017

Being Agile in Turbulent Times

8 December 2017

Blended Learning: The Next Generation

27 October 2017

7 Key Steps To Blending For Behaviour Change

27 October 2017

10 It's time to strike a digital balance

7 September 2017

Learning lessons from half marathon training

7 September 2017

Virtually there

15 June 2017

10 top tips and essential resources for newcomers to elearning

15 June 2017

Keeping potential locked up: how to find the key

19 January 2017

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